
5 simple steps to becoming a morning person

Morning people – those ‘seize the day’ people who wake you up every morning making their smoothies. Well, becoming one of those people isn’t as hard as you think. They’re that annoying person who’s just come back from a run as you’re dragging your hungover self into the kitchen to reheat a slice of last night’s pizza for ‘breakfast’.

Set yourself a time to go to bed

It’s hard to do when all your friends are wide-awake watching films or getting ready to go out but setting yourself a time to go to sleep will provide you with some body-clock consistency. Pick a time and stick to it. It’ll be hard in the first few weeks but you’ll get used to in no time.

Read something

Reading relaxes and allows you to switch off from everyday life. You’ll soon find yourself dropping off.…and don’t go on your phone!

Don’t just get a book out and Instagram that you’re reading because you’ll become glued to your phone. Turn your phone off and keep it out of reach.

Reduce your caffeine hit

Have your last coffee no later than 3pm. This will allow the affects to wear off by bed time and let you settle easier.

‘Hell week’

Get up really early for a week – really early. Set your alarm for 5am and force yourself to get up at this time for a full week. After ‘hell week’ set your alarm back to your new early morning time at around 7:30am and suddenly it won’t feel bad at all.

Get up and go

If you’re setting your alarm there’s no point in waking up at 6am and then nodding off again. At the first sound of your alarm; get up, turn the light on, and splash some cold water on your face – you’ll thank yourself later.

Hopefully after reading this you’re inspired to start getting up earlier and being one of those ‘morning people’. You never know, you may even start going for runs at 6:30am and post ‘Feeling Fresh’ pictures of yourself in your gym gear on Instagram!

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