
Stay Safe At University

Being away from home for the first time is exciting and you will no doubt be embracing all that freedom.

With freedom comes responsibility. You won’t have an adult asking if you’ve locked your door, staying up until you walk through that door safe after a night out (even when they tell you they don’t) and you won’t have anybody on hand to come pick you up when you’ve lost your money/keys.

One of the first things you should be doing when moving into your new property is registering and insuring your expensive belongings. Paying a small monthly insurance fee could save you massively in the long run if those items were lost or stolen.

Most burglaries take place when people are actually home so still be vigilant even when you are there. Keep doors and windows locked even when you are home.

Of course, some break in’s can’t be avoided but don’t make it easy for them.

Going out is part and parcel of university life and we all know there will be occasions where you may have had one too many. Be responsible before you start drinking by making sure you eat something substantial, charge your phone fully and make sure you have taxi money stored separately to your going out cash.

Drink spiking is unfortunately very common. Never leave your drinks unattended and don’t accept drinks from strangers. No, not even for a free drink.

Losing things such as coasts, bags, money, keys, and phones are more likely after a few too many so if you don’t need it, don’t take it out with you.

When it comes to getting home after a night out, always try and go home with your friend. If you are alone though, avoid having your head down on your phone as it will serve as a distraction and you won’t be as alert as you should be. Only ever use licensed taxi’s, don’t walk home alone and just give somebody a quick text when you get home to let them know.

As tempting as it is to check yourself in online to let your peers know you have a way better social life than they do, don’t! Always have your social media profiles set to private and be careful about what you are posting online. You could be giving away vital information without even realising it.

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