
Tops Tips For Festival Saving

Festival season is fast approaching and you will want to make the most of it all while still spending as little as possible.

When the first festivals start you know its the start of summer and usually the end of exam season. The problem with being an avid festival goer is they can be extremely costly.

All you need is a bit of forward planning and you will be well away.

Here are our top tips for festival saving…

– Don’t Go Mainstream

The Uk and Europe are amazing for big festivals but they also hold loads of smaller festivals within Cities for minimal cost.

Yeah, you may not get to sleep in a muddy field but you will have just as much fun.

Here’s a list of our favourite UK based festivals for you to check out…

* Tramlines – Sheffield

Costing around £70 for the weekend

* Live At Leeds – Leeds

A one day festival for around £40

* 2Q – Lincoln & Derby

One day of music for around £25

* Parklife – Manchester

A full weekend for £109.50

Day tickets are £65

* MPF – Manchester Punk Festival – Manchester

3 days of music for £40

* The Great Escape – Brighton

3 days of music for £35
* Love Saves The Day – Brighton

Weekend ticket for £80

– Travel

If you are traveling to the festival by public transport, book your ticket as soon as possible. 3 months prior is an ideal time and when tickets are usually at their lowest price.

If you are driving, you could offer lifts to others/your friends in exchange for petrol money to keep cost down or vice versa, you could get a lift with somebody else and just pay petrol money.

– Don’t Buy Unnecessary Items

Yes, we know, you are going to NEEEEED new clothes etc because effectively it’s as going out-out isn’t it?

Don’t waste your money on things for the festival that you don’t actually need. Anything you do buy is more than likely going to get ruined or end up lost.

– Be Cash Smart

Ever been to a festival where there isn’t a queue at least 30 people deep for the cash machine?

No, us neither.

Take a small, sensible amount of cash for the stalls/vendors that don’t take a card and load a pre-pay card before you go to use at the stalls and vendors that do.

Leave your usual bank card at home (it’s a pain getting a new one if you lose it) and bring another card for emergencies only.

– Food & Drink

Read up on the rules of taking food and drink with you to the festival in advance. They will have a specific section dedicated on their website already.

Work out what you can take and how much your little legs can carry and load yourself up. Take as much as you can carry as food and drinks vendors are super expensive at festivals and you will no doubt underestimate how much you actually eat and drink over a weekend.

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