
Fun Uni Facts

Some of these may not sound like they could possibly be true but they absolutely are. Here are some fun facts you may not know about the university you are going/go to.

1. The University Of Warwick developed a formula 3 racing car powered by CHOCOLATE!

2. The London School Of Economics has a hummus society.

3. Durham university is the first university to offer a ‘Harry Potter and the age of Illusion’ module in the UK.

4. The first female university professor in the UK was appointed by The University Of Reading.

5. The University Of Bradford is the only British Uni to have had a serving Prime Minister, Harold Wilson, as their chancellor.

6. One of Coldplay’s first ever gigs was a fundraiser at the University of London.

7. The University Of Sheffield had three of their graduates win Gold and Silver at the Rio Olympics.

8. The University Of Oxford students swear an Oath of not lighting a fire in the library.

9. Cambridge University has won the worlds single’s Tiddlywinks championship 31 times.

10. Reading University has a Beyonce Society. Yes, that’s correct, a Beyonce Society.

11. Led Zeppelins first ever gig took place at The University Of Surrey.

12. The University Of Sheffield once developed a contraceptive pill for squirrels,

13. Some scenes from A Clockwork Orange, were filmed at Brunel University.

14. Scientists at The University Of Liverpool were involved in creating Britain’s first ‘tear free onion’

15. The first rock to be brought back from the moon were analysed for signs of life at The University of Bristol.

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