
How To Be Proactive This Summer

Your summer holiday is here, Hooray! Don’t fall down the rabbit hole of Pj days and eating pizza in bed at 10am. Don’t sit there scrolling through your Instagram feed and looking at your friend’s ‘amazing summer’. Take a look at these tips to help your summer become more meaningful and fun.
Before you know it, it will be September and all you will have to show for your time off is that you made your way through three entire series on Netflix.

Find A Summer Job – Many companies will offer student contract jobs just for working with them during the holidays. You could mix it up by working a part time paid job and also volunteering. It will look great on future CV’s.
If you can find something relevant to the University course you are studying then go for it. It could bring up some amazing opportunities for you, especially if you manage to impress your employer.

Go Travelling – Not only is traveling amazing fun, it can also teach you new skills and educate you without you even realising it. You could even try a working holiday.

Study – I know, it’s summer, who would want to study whilst supposedly being study free BUT if you are going into your final year particularly then you may want to reap the benefits of being extra organised during these weeks. Just doing a little each week will make a huge difference and impact your final year in a positive way.

Prepare – If you are going into your first year of University then summer is your time to prepare. Packing your life up, buying all your new bits and bobs and preparing to move to a new city. Have everything packed and ready well before you are due to move so you still have time to have fun and maybe attend that Festival you wanted to go to.

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