
How to make your halls a home

Student halls are normally decorated in a neutral way to make sure everyone is happy. But there’s

nothing stopping you from making your room feel homely. You will have just moved away from your

comfortable, well decorated bedroom at home and now you have to start all over again.

Here’s a few ideas to get yourself started to make your room yours.


The first port of call is to scout out any poster sales in the student union – they usually have these

over Fresher’s Week – it’s worth picking up a few bargains!

You could also visit record stores or museums for poster deals.


Most university bedrooms have a noticeboard that you can pin photos to, allowing you to create a

collage of family and friends.


Investing in a lamp for your desk is basically a necessity to stop you from falling asleep during

assignment all-nighters. From the classic desk lamp to the touch table lamp, shop around to find

something that stands out.

To brighten up your desk, why not pick up a colourful lampshade to add a bit of character to your

room without breaking the bank.


Rugs are a great way to add some colour to your room and to make it feel that little bit cosier.

Alternative seating

Beanbags are a great idea and your friends will appreciate it when they don’t have to sit on the floor.

You could even go retro and get a blow-up sofa!

Go green

Get a little plant to brighten up your room – you can get some cheap offers on a local market or in a

garden centre.

Bed covers and pillows

Your bed will become your favourite place so treat yourself to some nice bed sheets, blankets and

cushions. This will make your bed more inviting for those DVD and takeaway nights!

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