
Productive Things to do when You’re Stuck in Your Accommodation

When the first national lockdown was announced in March this year, students were told to continue their studies from home, exams were cancelled, and leisure facilities, pubs, and restaurants closed. Many students returned home, if they could, to spend lockdown with their families. Six months on, however, students headed back to universities to begin the new academic year with vague hoped of a semi-normal uni experience.

For some, this has been possible, at least for a short time. However, with a growing number of regions being placed in ‘high’ and ‘very high’ tiers, students are once again finding themselves stuck indoors, unable to meet friends from other households or even go to their university classes.

So, we decided to put together a list of productive things to do if you’re stuck inside…

1. Learn to Cook

Being a student can make it difficult to find time time to learn how to make your favourite meals. Rushing in and out of your accommodation for strangely timed lectures and seminars, combined with studying at home can make it difficult to find the time to attempt some more ambitious recipes.

However, as you find yourself at home more, it could be the perfect opportunity to learn some new cooking skills! The internet is full of cooking tutorials and free recipes that you can take advantage of to impress your flatmates and refine your culinary talents. Learning to cook your favourite meals could even help you save money on takeaways and eating out!

2. Read More Books

We all do it. Buy books that we definitely ‘intend’ to read and watch them gather dust on the shelf in our rooms. Well, what better time to finally indulge your inner bookworm? Take down those books and dust them off.

Or, if you don’t have any books gathering dust, maybe consider ordering some! Better yet, download some e-books. You can read on your tablet or even your phone! So, really, there is no excuse not to start ticking off your must-read list.

3. Set up a Workout Regime

Whether you’re a regular gym-goer or a strict fitness-phobe, exercise is still one of the best things you can do for your mental health and mood. With some gyms closing or offering reduced services, and mornings and evenings becoming ever darker and colder, coming up with some a simple workout regime for when you’re stuck in the house is a great move.

Many effective exercises don’t require anything but your own body weight! Think sit-ups, push-ups, squats, planks, and lunges! Alternatively, yoga is another great option for at-home exercise, with plenty of video-guides available on the internet.

4. Take up an Arty Hobby

Perhaps you used to love doodling and painting in school but haven’t touched any art supplies in years. Or maybe you have never given any serious thought to arts and crafts. Now could be the perfect time to start a new hobby.

Getting creative is a great way to do something productive while also being great for your mental health, and the possibilities are endless! Try watercolours are coloured pencils for drawing and painting, or maybe treat yourself to some knitting needles and try out making a new scarf! With a bit of research, you are sure to find something to suit you.

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