
Be Safety Savvy At University

When moving into your student accommodation you need to extra vigilant to safety. Statistics suggest that one in five students fall victim to crime whilst studying at college or university.

Don’t be that one in five and follow these simple rules to help you stay safe at University.

Don’t give burglars an open invite

Thieves will often target student halls and houses as bedroom and flats are often left unlocked or on the latch – this makes it a quick job for a burglar. So, don’t make it easy for them. Always close all windows and doors even if you’re not in.

Don’t advertise birthday parties with banners with ages on as this suggests the flat or house is occupied by students which could invited unwanted guests in even more.

Keep your valuables away

Computers, cash, electrical goods and jewellery are among the most commonly stolen items in domestic burglaries and, as a result of the nation’s increased use in gadgets, the average cost of a burglary has risen by 40 per cent over the last three years.

To protect smaller valuable items and reduce the risk of fraud you could use a home safe. This can be used for items like jewellery, small electronic gadgets and important documents.

Bike to lectures?

Bikes are a convenient and cost effective way to get around campus but they are also popular with thieves. To keep your bike safe and secure it’s advisable to invest in a good bike lock. For maximum protection, use two different locks at the same time (a D-lock and robust chain and padlock is ideal).

Night out safety

Most students at least once will experience the local nightlife but you need to be careful – especially if  you’ve had a few drinks. Try to travel home with friends or in a reputable, licensed taxi – remember, there is safety in numbers! If you do walk home, try to stick to main roads and avoid poorly lit areas – especially dodgy looking shortcuts and alleyways.

Be safe online

Now, with social media, many of us are used to posting all manner of details online without a second thought. ‘Checking in’ at places online can alert burglars to the fact you are not at home, and posting images of new and expensive items can also be risky. – Turn your profile to private to decrease the risk of anyone you don’t know seeing these details.

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