
Student Night Penny Pinching

You can easily spend in excess of £50 a week on nights out so any tips to save a bit of cash could help if you utilise them.

Stay In

I know, these are supposed to be money saving tips for going out but what is going to save you that cash more than staying in?

It doesn’t have to be boring though. Have a film night with snacks and onesies or get some drinks in and play games.


Having a couple of pre-drinks with your mates while you get ready together is always loads of fun and will save you so much on drinks while you are out.

Share Transport

You shouldn’t be travelling on your own so sharing taxi’s with friends is cost effective as well as much safer.


Work out what you can afford to spend that night and only allow yourself to take that with you. Leave your cards at home so there’s no temptation to start buying your friends rounds of shots.

You really dont want to wake up the next afternoon (let’s be realistic here) to find out you’ve blown your hangover takeaway money too.

Carb Load

Carb loading isn’t just for the gym. Other than the fact you shouldn’t be drinking on an empty stomach , eating before going out might just stop you buying that over priced pizza at the end of the night too.

Go Out Early Doors

We’re not talking about a day sesh here. Dodge the queues and get free or reduced entry by hitting the club early.

Off Peak Partying

Student nights are where it’s at and will usually, more often than not be mid week. They will have themed evenings and drink promotions galore.

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