
Top Tips For Settling Into Uni Life

The time has come for you to fly the nest. Being away from the familiarities of our support and surroundings of home can leave us feeling extremely daunted. Tasks we would normally take for granted and have probably done before without giving it a second thought may now feel scary and might not just come so easily. It can be a stressful time many and its sensible to expect up’s AND down’s.

Make friends

Put yourself out there especially on your moving in day/first few days. Chat with the people also moving into your halls and surrounding buildings. You will meet some of your best mates during University, go get them.


Before even starting the year you could research which free socials and society’s your University offers. You could try a few out and see which suits you best. It’s a great way to meet people with the same interests as you.

Be Organised

Before you even get there, organise your uni life. Everything you need for your room/halls should be packed and ready to go. The books and equipment you need for your course should either be bought or dually noted ready to hire from the library as soon as you start.
It may also be worth noting and I’m sure you wont want to hear this but if you get your head down and get your work done as it comes in, you will feel so much more organised and free. No need for deadline stress then.

Take Care Of Yourself

Exercising, eating healthily and caring for yourself not only benefits your body but also your mental health.

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